

1. You’ve Changed People’s Lives:
Whether you know it or not, you have changed the lives of people around you – those people you’ve touched, had your stories and fates intertwine, who you’ve shared moments with or just casually met but hit a note somewhere inside.
I guarantee you that you have done this many times before and so many other times to come.
2. You had the Courage to Love and get Hurt: 
When you open your heart to someone or something, you are also opening up to the risks of getting hurt and chances are you that you already have at some point. This is the magical and powerful dilemma of love. You have to surrender, open up and sometimes risk it all for a higher power you cannot fathom. And when you lost it all and the sea crushed you on the rocks, after some time you found the courage to believe in the magic again. A truly amazing feat of courage and hope. Well done for that!
3. You have the Power to Dream: 
happy_small_talk-713x528Do not underestimate this. The power to dream is the power to create. You are a creator of your own destiny.
Since you can dream and envision possible futures, you are setting in motion your life all the time.
You are doing this right now as you read these messages.
4. You are a Vehicle of Love: 
Think about it. You have the potential for the power of love to move through you across space and time. As you move through your life and meet new people and experiences, you are very time given a choice – to either send out fear or send out love. When you understand this you truly understand how great your life really is. So move on and love.
5. You can look in somebody’s Eyes and Heal: close-eye-contact
A look in the eyes can express a thousand words. Sometimes we are lost in words which can either help or frustrate, but when you connect with someone through the eyes you can change his or her feelings in a moment.
It has the power to dissolve fear, install hope, convey comfort and love and most of all heal and soothe.
6. You have Won over some Fears: 
It’s a certainty that you have experienced hundreds of fears in your life. Some you are still coping with but some others you have overcome. This is also a certainty. Congratulate yourself. You are really amazing!
7. You have Said or Done something Inspiring: 
liberty_of_soul_by_veinsofmercury-d646fqkAgain you might not have even noticed this but you most certainly did or said something at some point that inspired someone.
You seeded a thought, an idea or a feeling that made the other person change something even if you were not given credit for it. Don’t deny this: You are a truly inspiring person.
8. You Own the Most Powerful Instrument in the World: 
You take it for granted every second in your life when you ideate, think, deduct or talk but you have the most powerful instrument known on this planet – your brain. It’s natural engineering is sheer amazement.
It can keep on learning and evolving knowledge till the day you die. It’s a great rarity in the Universe – one out of trillions and trillions of life form mutations and possibilities.
9. You are a Living, Breathing Expression of Existence: 
The embodiment of your consciousness in this physical, third dimensional world is a living, breathing expression of existence. You are interconnected with everything at the same time. All that was, is or will ever be is expressed in every moment you breathe and you’re alive. It is hard to explain or understand this. It takes some contemplation and insight. Sit with this thought for a moment and appreciate how amazingly special you are.inspiration2
10. You have Helped Me Go On: 
You as a reader with your feedback, social sharing or just knowing that you are reading this have summoned the courage in me to keep on writing and hopefully helping others along the way
. I want to say THANK YOU for being amazing and helping me out. You have been a blessing in my life. You have inspired me and changed my life, gave me the power to dream while you were being a vehicle of love. Yes, you are amazing!

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