
11 Ingenious Ways To Be Manly And Not Aggressive To Impress Your Woman

We men are expected to be gentle and soft when with women, and if we are not, we are perceived to be archaic and stubborn. While these two are complete opposite extremes, there is a middle pathway which makes men more desirable and attune to the demands of impressing a woman without being too forceful or too platonic. So, here are eleven ingenious ways to be manly and not aggressive to impress your woman.

1. Making Meaningful Eye Contact

Young couple gazing at each other

A major problem with Indian men is our inability to decipher what constitutes a stare and what constitutes eye contact. An eye-contact usually lasts for 2-3 seconds and anything long comes off as a stare. So, next time you want to put yourself out there for her, try not to be a creep.

2. Working On Your Speech And Voice

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Expressing yourself clearly is very important. Double meaning entendres are useful only when your girlfriend is in a good mood otherwise it might backfire. A deep voice is very appealing and makes you stand out among others but should never be confused with shouting.

3. Taking The Lead

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A man always takes his lady’s opinions and leads the way—be it planning a date or booking a vacation. Taking the lead must never be confused with telling your better half what to do. There is a fine line between taking opinion and sexism.

4. Improving Your Body Language

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Pointing your hand towards someone or slamming the table in argument are some of the traits of a known aggressor. Instead, making your intentions clear with a stern voice might do the trick without you having to care about the consequences.

5. Listening To Your Girlfriend’s Opinions And Sharing Your Own

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Listening is a much more apt strategy which will definitely work if you are serious about the issue at hand. Expressing your ideas will make her more interested in you as it shows how confident you are with your beliefs and thoughts. Forcing your opinions on her is a strict no.

6. Shrugging Off The Competition


Competition is inevitable and getting rid of them without using filthy language is what a wise man does, because if you are careful enough, you can easily shove the competition into a corner through wit and humor.

7. Resolving Arguments And Working Out The Solution

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Nobody wants to adopt a mess! So, stop cribbing about the circumstances and move yourself to action. Be a problem solver because then only will she be able to trust you with her secrets and insecurities. Getting into arguments for the sake of it will turn her off real bad.

8. Acknowledging Your Past

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Everybody has a past and there is no shame in acknowledging your mistakes. Getting upset over it or throwing a tantrum every time she wants to talk about it is not normal. Only a man with strong character will do so and women love to be around someone who does not pretend or put up an act.

9. Being Decisive In Your Actions

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Do what you say and never make any fake promises. It is the single biggest reason for break-ups in our generation.

10. Being Comfortable In Your Own Skinwwkelr 8


Trying to emulate someone you are not is a big road-block. Be comfortable with who you are and work on your anger issues with her support.

11. Think Before You Act

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Be responsible for your actions and think twice before exploding in front of her because no matter how hot-headed you are, everybody cleans his own mess in the end.

[Also Read: What Men Think Impresses Women and What Actually Does]

So, don’t be shy and take care of these little things to sweep the woman of your dreams off her feet!

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