15 Easy Tips on How to Be The Best Girlfriend for The Man You Love
You’ll be the perfect girlfriend for him.
Whether you’re in a new relationship or you’re approaching your five-year anniversary, there are numerous things you can do to improve your role in the relationship. To be a best girlfriend, you have to be open and honest with your partner, supportive of their wants and needs, and willing to demonstrate your love and affection for them. Keep in mind that you should also strive to maintain your own independence to enjoy a healthy relationship.
Apply these tips below so your guy will never ever think of cheating or breaking up, because you’ll be the perfect girlfriend for him.
1. Trust him
2. Be honest
While being honest to your partner is very important, to the point of being paramount, it is equally important that you are honest with yourself. If you overreact or make a mistake, you can acknowledge your error and apologize. If you’re feeling vulnerable or upset, you can sort through your feelings and verbalize them to them in a non-accusing way. And the most important thing here is that you will be open about your feelings as much as possible. For example, if they do or say something that bothers you, be open about how it impacts you, without being accusing or asking them to change.
3. Be the “friend” in girlfriend
Remember, you’re in a relationship. You’re not just there for each other to roll around in the hay and go at it in bed. There has to be a connection and deep intimacy. Be a companion to him. Share your interests and respect each other’s views.
4. Give him his space
You should support your partner, but you should also be able to “be there” for them in spirit when you’re not actually around. If you want to be a good girlfriend, then you have to make time to do your own thing, to hang out with your girlfriends, and to see your partner. They should know that you’re thinking of them and rooting for them even if you’re not around. Show that you trust your man enough to let him live his life. In the end, he’ll be the one who will be chasing you.
5. Don’t give him reasons to be jealous
Obviously, a perfect girlfriend isn’t just faithful, but also never makes her guy even feel jealous at all. You don’t flirt around with other guys if you love your boyfriend. Let him know that he is The Guy for you and that you need nothing other than him. He needs to feel this. You develop trust in him by showing that you are only interested in him, he also won’t have a reason to be jealous all the time if you’re getting a lot attention. The best way to do this is to have a “don’t ask, don’t tell policy” – never touch his phone, never read his emails, don’t share bank accounts. When a guy feels he has space, that’s when he doesn’t do anything (like cheating), but when he feels “caged” that’s when he does crap. And the best way to have him trust you is by not mistrusting him either.
6. Take an interest in their interests
Remember what they like to do and what they like to talk about. You don’t have to act like you love their hobbies, but at least try to understand why they’re such a fan. If they love a band, try to understand why. If they just love to be playful and immature, remember that it might just be their way of releasing stress. In learning to accept their unique way of being, you’ll also be learning more about yourself and ultimately whether you could see yourself spending the rest of your life with this person.
7. Turn nagging into an irresistible request
So he can be frustratingly childish and messy at times. This doesn’t mean you should fire your mouth off. A good girlfriend knows the art of “nagging” constructively. Try not to raise your voice. Instead, talk to him in a soft, even seductive, tone. Disarm him with your sweetness and let your concern shine through instead of your need to control by nagging.
8. Learn to work as a team
As in any healthy relationship, you’ll experience your share of conflicts, some tiny, some big. Remember to be true to yourself and try to abandon any significant selfishness. A relationship is a matter of teamwork and a symbiotic relationship, not a parasitic one, where a party gives and the other one just takes without giving enough back. In a team, you have each other’s back, you don’t undermine one another and you openly cherish each other in front of others.
9. Be great in bed
Okay, so we’re not saying that you have to be a porn star. But sex can be an important part of any relationship, so make sure he feels that you’re enjoying it just as much as he is. Great sex brings you closer, and keeps you together for years, and years, even if other spheres of your relationship aren’t perfect. Find out what makes your guy go wild, and then fulfill all of his fantasies. Yes – all of his fantasies, because that’s what a perfect girlfriend does. She does what other girlfriend’s don’t do. That’s why she’s not single, divorced, or married to a loser. Sex is her secret weapon.
10. Give them gifts
When you’re in a relationship, it’s fun to give each other small gifts. Everyone loves to get presents and giving them one shows that they mean a lot to you. Don’t overdo it — just give them a gift when you’re feeling loving and want to let them know how much they mean to you. You don’t want them to think you’re trying to buy their affection. Make them something by hand. A paper flower, an artsy heart, something creative that reflects your personality, so that whenever they look at it, they’ll think of you and smile.
11. Compliment them more than you criticize them
If everything you say around them is a criticism or an attack, they won’t look forward to seeing you and they’ll start reconsidering being with you. All the same, you don’t always have to agree with them just because they are your partner. Tactfulness is a better strategy in mature relationships and establishing boundaries and making compromises are important relationship strategies to learn and adopt.
12. Make him feel appreciated
Look at how he treats you and think about the things you do together. Find ways to tell and show him how much you have appreciated him throughout your relationship. This will make him feel great about all the effort he’s spent, which will therefore make him feel great about investing in a long-term relationship with you.
13. Let him be the man in the relationship
Men like to feel in control—it’s innate in their nature. They often want to feel in charge, so let him fill that role. Let him feel that he can take the lead by asking for his opinion about certain things in your relationship and being open to his suggestions. Also, let him take care of you, even if it just means letting him open the door for you, guide you to your seat, and pick up the tab.
14. Learn to compromise
If you want to be a good girlfriend, then you have to learn to compromise instead of fighting or being angry the second you don’t get your way. To compromise well, you both have to be able to calmly and rationally discuss a situation while understanding the other person’s perspective. Try to understand where your significant other is coming from instead of blindly focusing on what you think you need.
15. Be yourself
Don’t create a fake you just to impress them. It might be tempting if you think they’d prefer a different type of girl but usually this is just cobbling together snippets of things said or suggested and you’re likely to be wrong. After all, they want to date you, not some imagined form of perfection. And if you really feel tempted to change things about yourself because they insist that you’d be better thinner, taller, prettier, quieter, whatever, then it’s a good indication that you’re not compatible. If they actually say such things to you in a badgering, persistent manner, then it is not love, but an attempt to control you.