
4 Men Got Photoshopped Like Famous Women, And They Totally Hated It…I’m sure You Too

Growing up as a lady is an endless loop.

To begin with, you’ll be told you’re not sufficiently lovely, and after that you’ll be inquired as to why you’re so high maintainance due to every one of those habits you embraced keeping in mind the end goal to be more attractive. At last, you’ll be hand-conveyed a magazine including the smooth, Photoshopped abs of a Karlie Kloss or Jourdan Dunn.

For their most recent video, BuzzFeed’s Try Guys got a measurement of what it resembles to be subjected to the strange magnificence models ladies confront each day.

In May, the Try Guys got photoshopped to have the perfect male body. This time, Zach Kornfeld, Eugene Lee Yang, Keith Habersberger and Ned Fulmer partook in a previously, then after the fact test in which their pictures were photoshopped as indicated by the same exceedingly exclusive requirements as ladies’ frequently may be.


Look at the prior and then afterward photographs of the Try Guys alongside their considerations on the photograph shoot and photoshopping knowledge.


1. Keith Habersberger, recreating a 2015 Victoria’s Secret online ad


Habersberger noted multiple times throughout the video how dehumanizing it was to not be able to include his face in the photo.

“This is a hypersexualized position, and my face is not a part of who I am at all in this,” he said. “I’m an object. My face won’t even be in the photo.”

2. Ned Fulmer, recreating well-known photoshopped photo of Madonna



The Try Guys were all surprised by the photoshopped image of Fulmer, which he said made him look “like a vampire.” He also wasn’t a fan of the photo shoot process itself.

“I just felt so beaten down and like there were expectations of me that I couldn’t meet,” he said.

3. Zach Kornfeld, recreating Ralph Lauren’s 2009 ad featuring Filippa Hamilton



Kornfeld was thrown by the many commands people on set gave him while he posed.

“Be angular and hard but be soft and be seductive but innocent and it’s like what are you ― I can’t be all of these things at once,” he said.

4. Eugene Lee Yang, recreating a shot from Kim Kardashian’s 2015 desert photo shoot



While posing nude, Yang was visibly uncomfortable trying to contort his body to look like the edited Kardashian photo.

“Everything you think is real is constructed,” he said.

After the guys learned the hard way about the photoshopping pressures women in Hollywood face regularly.





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