For far too many people, life has become about surviving the circumstances that they are given. Trying desperately to make do with what they have without realizing that they have the power to create a life they are head over heels in love with. It’s not about luck or being in the right place at the right time. It’s about intention and action.
Life is an amazing gift and with these five simple tips, you will be falling head over heels in love with your life in no time.
1. Stop doing things you hate, and do more of what you love instead.
I know it seems obvious, but when you do more of what you love and less of what you don’t, you are naturally a happier person. Unfortunately we have been taught to think that life isn’t fair and we have to merely survive the hand we are dealt in life. That’s simply not true. YOU have the power to make your life what you want it to be, so why not start doing more of what you love? It really is that simple.
2. Follow your heart, instead of your head.
Your heart is naturally attuned to love and when you allow it to lead the way in life and your work, you will not only be happier for it, but you will experience more love around you. Love is the highest vibration you can experience and when you infuse it into all that you do, you can’t help but fall in love with life. So, what is your heart telling you right this moment?
3. Be playful, and have more fun!
As we grow up we somehow lose our sense of wonder and playfulness we had as children. Our minds are so consumed with the “have-to” tasks, bills, and other responsibilities that we put our fun and play time on the back burner. What is fun for you? When was the last time you just kicked up your heels and let your inner child run free? If it’s been awhile, I encourage you to tap into your playful side again and see if life doesn’t get exponentially better.
4. Reach out, and connect with like-minded souls.
We are not meant to move through this life alone and having a group of like-minded people you can turn to is a great way to expand and experience more of what life has to offer. There is nothing better than a community that supports, uplifts, and inspires you to be more of who you are, so get out there and find your tribe. We have the ability to connect with anyone in the world using the world wide web, so use it and make some new connections. You never know where it might lead.
5. Don’t wait, do it now!
This may be the single most important way to fall head over heels in love with life. Life is meant to be lived, loved, and experienced in the moment and I am not one to sit around and wait for retirement to do the things I love and you shouldn’t either. There are far too many people in the world waiting for the ‘right time’ or the ‘best time’ to do that big thing that will light them up and set their soul on fire.
If you are one of them, I’m here to tell you that yearning you feel is your soul telling you to do it right now. What are you waiting for? It’s cliché, but true-there is no time like the present to write your book, release your music, start your business or follow your dream. Stop with the excuses and start now. Life is precious and the world needs to see you shine.
Let’s keep the conversation going. What is one thing you can do today to fall head over heels in love with your life? Share in the comments below.