


Without strict institutional education there is no way that people can ever become functioning members of the matrix. Children must be indoctrinated, sent to corporate trainee boot camp, which is public school.


How else can you turn a free spirit into a corporate worker bee, submissive to clocks, countless managers, monotony, uniformity and routine? The education system is designed to train us to devote our lives to the corporate model.


The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
In Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, author Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, who served as the Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education, reveals the truth about how American social engineers
have systematically gone about destroying the intellect of millions of American children 
for the purpose of transforming American culture according to the interests of statists and industrialists.

The book exposes how social engineers capitalize on deliberately created education “crises” to move their agenda forward, offering pre-planned radical political reforms that are sold to the public as a fix, while in fact the reforms only set the stage for the next crisis and next set of reforms. In the book, Iserbyt also documents the gradual transformation of our once academically successful education system into one devoted to training children to become compliant human resources to be used by government and industry as defacto robots and slaves.


Government creates and enforces laws, regulations and policies with the endgame of subjecting as many people as possible to their control system. It unfairly benefits those with power and wealth, and makes life difficult for the rest of us. This has always been, and always will be the case.


In the pre-democratic era it was easier to recognize who had power, but the genius of massive democratic states are the layers upon layers of corporatocracy and special interests, which so brilliantly conceal the identities of those who really manage the massiveThe-Shadows-of-Power1 apparatus of government. Some call it the Deep State.

In the book The Shadows of Power, author James Perloff exposes the hidden oligarchy of the United States by documenting the links between many of our nations most powerful people and the organizations and think-tanks that wield considerable influence on government.

Perloff exposes how the US Council on Foreign Relations was started in 1921 as a front organization for J.P. Morgan and Company to help recruit loyal implants into important positions in government. This book introduces you to the behind the scenes world of how the US government’s elected and non-elected officials maintain severe conflicts of interest without being censured.


Another controversial book that may change how you look at American and global politics is None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen.

It details how the cabal of globalists has hijacked the US government through organizations such as the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group, and how these groups function under the guise of increased cooperation among nations, when in reality their founders seek to create a new world order under their rule while keeping the rest enslaved to the matrix.

Both of these books are already considered classics of American anti-statist literature and will open your eyes in big ways as to how the government has been engineered to work against us.


Patriotism is a completely artificial mechanism of social control. From infancy, people are taught to worship paraphernalia of the state, such as flags, voter ID cards, licenses and permits, etc, and to give deference to government officials, especially those in high offices like the revered President, the titular figure-head of a weaponized government.

Deadly Deceits

Ralph W. McGehee, a man who dedicated 25 years of his life to fighting the Cold War as part of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) explores this.

In his book Deadly Deceits, McGehee reveals how he discovered that the CIA’s work was often based on deceit and wholesale manipulation of the truth. He discloses how the CIA collaborates with the Office of the US President to fabricate “facts” that support government and agency agendas and steer public opinion.

After reading this book, you might realize that what you identify as “democracy” and “freedom” is a direct product of behind-the-scenes efforts of CIA propaganda experts, a crafted illusion that gives government and the military industrial complex a blank check to forever wage the Orwellian Permanent War.


It’s easy to get caught up in the circus, lost in the meaninglessness and false reality of consumerism, but there is much more to our reality than we can typically perceive, and the spirit can be awakened in many ways other than mass-produced religion. An understanding of consciousness awakens a sense of wonder and imagination, which are the first qualities that are stamped out of children in grade school.

Ken WilberIn the book A Brief History of Everything, author and philosopher Ken Wilber pulls together a remarkable explanation of human consciousness by examining an impressive span of the world’s religions and spiritual movements, philosophical movements and scientific theory.

It describes humanity’s spiritual evolution and our dominant conceptual concerns regarding spirituality: East and West, ancient and modern, individual and collective, physical and metaphysical.

His work examines the notions of self-impulsiveness, interconnection, spirituality and empathy showing how the major theories of biological, psychological, cognitive and spiritual development all connect and describe different forks of the same path, offering a map of consciousness that makes sense of the psyche’s role in crafting reality.


Money is the most brilliant accomplishment of the controllers. Billions of people spend most of their waking lives either acquiring it or spending it, without ever understanding where it comes from, where it goes, who makes it, and how much it costs. While others can literally create it with the push of a button.

Jekyll Island

We grow up believing that we need money for every human activity, from eating and drinking, to clothing oneself, to making friends, etc. Building a world where people have no choice but to use privately owned money is the most sophisticated form of slavery yet devised.

In the book The Creature from Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin reveals the secrets behind the grand illusion called money. This book will profoundly change your world view as it exposes the most blatant scam of all history: the Federal Reserve and its system of fiat currency.

It also covers how money influences wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, and prosperity. This one is a must read for everyone, and how our money was designed behind closed doors by some of the richest people in the world.

“No one is more of a slave than he who thinks himself free without being so.” ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Emancipation from mental slavery is possible, and books are one of the keys. When the mind develops a pure awareness of what is, it calls the body and spirit into action, freeing us from the matrix.

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