Flirty Things

10 ‘Bad Girl’ Traits Every Guy Secretly Wants In His Girl

Yes, men find ‘bad girls’ irresistible.

Some guys want a girl who’s prim and proper, the type they could take home to mom. Other guys just want a younger version of their actual mom. Other guys, nay all guys just want a chick who is a sexy bad girl. Yes, men find ‘bad girls’ irresistible. Especially when you’re getting down and dirty in bed with them. If you know what we mean?

They want a good girl who has some “bad girl blood” in her – which is exactly what I’m about to tell you how to pull off.

1. Doing something unexpected

As much as you find comfort in the consistency of your sex life, guys like it when you do something completely unexpected. In the long run, they love it because every day is a new day and every session becomes exciting.

2. Being the dominant one

Most men love it when women take control in bed. Be the dominant one and tell him what to do and how to turn you on. Trust us – he’ll love you taking charge!

3. Making that extra effort to look flawless

Even though things get a bit messy during the act, it never hurts to make an effort to look nice *before* you begin. A pair of high heels, sexy lingerie and tousled hair – bring out the big guns! Pro tip: a red lipstick will always work – no matter what you’re wearing (or not wearing.)

4. Keep things flirty

Be it a new relationship, or an old one – flirting with your significant other never gets old. In fact, it gets hotter and hotter every time. Woo him like you’re seeing him for the first time and say things you have never said before!

5. Being confident

Men love women who can stand up for themselves, the ones who are not afraid to show what they are made up of. Yes, this is not just a trait they admire in bed. Be a confident woman who fears nothing and you will get his heart racing…

6. Try out new things

Unless it’s something that makes you downright uncomfortable – be a ‘yes’ girl. Initiate a new position every time you guys are together. Find new and creative ways to turn boring dates into something mind blowing ideas!

7. Being seductive

Sure, guys like to take the lead and initiate in the bedroom, but they don’t like to ALL the time. Lots of guys like it when a woman steps up and initiates sex, or even better, plots a sexy ambush before pouncing. If he’s the one always doing the work, it’s going to get boring for him. That’s why men love a bad girl that wants sex as much as they do.

8. Get naughty

Use a spanking stick, some handcuffs or a blindfold. Light a few scented candles and whisper your ultimate fantasy in his ear. Guys love sex and they love it when women add a bit of kink, just for them! And when a woman shows her naughty side in bed, the pleasure of a man reaches peaks.

9. Being blunt and independent

They love girls who can speak their minds, know what they want and strive really hard to achieve it. Men want to be with women who stand up for themselves and can take care of themselves. As much as they enjoy opening jars and fixing cars for their mate, they don’t want to be stuck doing everything for them. They need someone who is capable of living life without him, but chooses to live life with him.

10. Being Passionate

A kiss without passion is still nice, but it’s not very memorable. Every man wants to find a woman who is as passionate about him as he is about her. He wants someone who will enjoy touching his lips and feeling his skin.

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