18 Broken Friendship Quotes That’ll Make You Miss Your Best Friend
Do you have that one person you were once so close to -and for so long -that you are now basically nothing more than strangers with? Maybe you don’t know exactly what happened, as if things drifted slowly. Times change. Always. It is possible that the person with whom you used to chat for hours may behave strangely with you after some time. That’s because our priorities change..the people who are important to us change as the time passes.owing to the circumstances surrounding us. It is a very common observation among friends that talks come to a halt between ‘bffs at a time ‘ because one of them was too engrossed in work, and for the other his ego overpowered his love … and his fingers couldn’t type a simple “ hi” …or his lips didn’t pass a smile when they crossed each other in a shopping mall.
Here are some quotes which are describing the pain of broken friendship: