China’s Elevated Bus That Drives Over Traffic? Well, It’s Actually Travels Above The Car!!
Last May, pictures of a weird, elevated bus that glides above traffic began circulating on the internet. Predictably, everyone freaked out. The so-called “straddling bus” was held up as a solution to China’s notorious traffic problems, but all anyone wanted to talk about was how it looked like the bus was eating cars, or how insane anyone would have to be to actually drive underneath.
The idea was first proposed at the 19th China Beijing International High-Tech Expo in May. Despite having nothing but a miniature model, developers Jinchuang Corp said they could have the bus ready by August. And true to their word, the TEB hit the road yesterday. It was only tested on 300 metres of track, but the fact that they could even make it – and in such a short amount of time – is impressive enough for us.
The developers say it’ll only take a year to finish. And this time, we believe them.
China’s Transit Elevated Bus (TEB) was nothing but a model back in May
And this is what it looks like just three months later!