17 Fake Friend Quotes That will Make You Think Again & Again
Sometimes it’s hard discern a true friend from one who is toxic, manipulative, or simply apathetic. It takes some time and life experience with a friend to learn whether or not they share your same friendship values. Maybe everything in the friendship started out okay, but then you heard that your “friend” was talking behind your back. Maybe you always knew that they were kind of manipulative towards other people, but only recently noticed that they were doing it to you. Are they a fake friend? A person who is fake to you is also fake to others. Chances are, this fake person doesn’t have any real friends at all, and you’re no exception. Unfortunately, fake friends are never there when you need them the most. They put little or no effort into sustaining the friendship. They simply have other priorities. Sometimes, you can identify fake friends, since they frequently seem to have negative judgmental attitudes towards things you do or say. And, worse than that, they gossip about secrets of other people, so, you have to ask yourself if they also gossip about you. Another aspect of fake friends is that they don’t keep their word, or do what they say they will do at the time they are supposed to do it. These fake friends quotes are full of wisdom. Go through our list of fake friend quotes, and check which of them could apply to your current friends.They will help you understand people better and how to get rid of people who are not honest in the relationships with you.















