
How to get rid of frizzy hair?

Hair becomes frizzy mostly due to the reason humidity levels in the atmosphere and heat. Sometimes it also caused due to the usage of dryers and blowers. But don’t worry every problem has a solution, You can get rid of the frizzy hair problem by following few simple tips.

Frizzy hair is complex and pretty simple. Frizzy hair is due to hot, humid weathers. Your naturally curly hair may frizz that makes you look unkempt, even when you put a lot of effort into your hair. There is plenty of anti frizz product at the store, but it’s not necessary to buy a one of them to control your locks. A few changes can prevent and wash your hair to reveal smooth and polished strands instead of frizzy hair.


The main causes of frizzy hair are heat and humidity. Heating tools, such as blow dryer, flat iron, use of excessive hair products, environmental pollution are also some causes of frizzy hair. Use these few protections and some simple home remedies can easily tame your frizzy hair.

How to get rid of frizzy hair with carbonated water wash?

After you made shampoo to your hair, rinse off with carbonated water as a final wash. This reduces the frizziness of the hair that is caused by the humidity. The magic behind the sparkling water is the low pH level, hence it helps to minimize the frizziness.

Ways to reduce frizzy hair with apple cider vinegar wash

One of the effective methods that needed to be used to jump from fizzy curls  is through the usage of apple cider vinegar.  It is just similar to the remedy one, rinse your hair first and give a last wash with a mixture formed from same amounts of apple cider vinegar and water.  The another gorgeous benefit of vinegar is it offers shine to your hair.

How to prevent frizzy hair with beer?

Beer has the capacity to promote and increase moisture levels in the hair. Hence, it is one ideal option to opt for your frizzy hair.  Dark beers give you many nutrients and moisture. While you are going to rinse off your hair, apply the beer and let it sit for a few minutes. After that, wash the hair with cold water. It also adds an additional benefit of reducing hair smell.

Use mayonnaise to reduce frizzy hair


Prepare a homemade recipe that works very effectively as a natural conditioner for frizzy and dry hair. Take one cup of mayonnaise and a half cup of avocado, mix them until they formed into a smooth paste. Apply this pack over the scalp and rub it. Wrap up a hot dipped towel around the head and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes. After that rinse off with cold and pat dry. Try this for at least one time in a week for best results.

Oil treatment best home remedy for frizzy hair

Oils are the best conditioner which treats the frizzy hair in a good way because it is frizzy-free. Take the coconut oil and heat it for a few minutes. Apply the warm oil over the scalp and rub it. Wrap up a hot dipped towel around the head and let it sit for 30 minutes. After that rinse off with cold water. Hot dipped cloth helps to stimulate the moisture levels in the hair. Try this for three times in a week for the amazing results.

Go natural to control frizzy hair

Our kitchen can offer us a good conditioning option. Take an egg and mix with a few avocados and one full banana. Mix them well to skip the lumps and massage this mixture over scalp and entire hair. Let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes and rinse it off  for an anti-frizz conditioner.

Go with serum to get out of frizzy hair

Serum has the capacity to turn the hair hydrated, it moisturizes the hair and makes it glossy. So pick specialized frizz free serum which suits for your hair type. Just make use of few drops otherwise it reflects as greasy.

Step by step process to reduce frizzy hair

  • Wash your hair on the other day or less often if your hair is not too oily. This is because sometimes frizziness results of dry hair. Apply some natural oils in your scalp that produces moisture to your hair, but do not wash it out frequently with shampoo.
  • Give your hair conditioner some time that can soften and moisturize your hair. It is instead of rubbing conditioner through your hair and rinses it off immediately. So condition your hair at the beginning of your shower and leave it while you wash and shave. Rinse at the end of your shower, so the conditioning agents will penetrate into the hair shaft that are long enough to control frizziness.
  • After squeezing excess water out wrap your hair into a towel from your hair. Wrap it up and allow it to dry for a few minutes without touching it.
  • Don’t brush or comb your hair whey they are wet. You just use your fingers to arrange your damp hair. Combing wet hair makes your hair more rough and break as it increase your risk of frizzing.
  • Gather your hair up into a ponytail that is especially hot, humid summer day. All hairstyles and haircuts explain that your hair is more apt to frizz when you wear it loose, in an open style. So, pull your hair back that will contain some of the frizz and make your hair appear smoother.

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