How To Do Half Frog Pose And What Are Its Benefits : Ardha Bhekasana
The Half Frog Pose or Ardha Bhekasana is a pose is one of the most difficult and challenging yoga poses. This pose has many variations and this is why it is also known as Mandukasana. This pose is highly beneficial for those who are restricted from running, dancing and walking long distances due to flat feet. It is also an extremely good pose for those people who are involved in outdoor sports and activities because it reduces the risk of knee injuries when practiced regularly.
What You Should Know Before You Do The Asana
This asana must be performed on an empty stomach. You must have your meals at least four to six hours before you practice yoga. You must also make sure that your bowels are empty. Avoide the pose if you have any neck, shoulder or lower back injuries. People who suffer from migraine, high blood pressure, insomnia should avoid practicing this pose.
How To Do The Ardha Bhekasana : Step-by-Step Instructions
- Lie flat on your stomach.
- Press your arms onto the floor.
- Now raise your torso and your head.
- Bnd the right knee while moving the heel towards the right buttock. Move your right hand back and hold your foot. Your palms should press against the top of your foot. Your fingers should point in the same direction as your toes are.
- Turn your elbow so that it is facing the ceiling.
- Now press your foot towards your buttock – as far as possible and as comfortable as you can manage to be while doing this. If you feel any pain in the knee or hip while doing this, reduce the amount of weight you are placing on your foot.
- Adjust your shoulders and keep them even. Instead of supporting yourself on your hand, you can use your forearm and elbow to support your self.
- Hold this position for about a minute or at least five deep breaths. Release your foot and then repeat the above steps with the left foot.
Beginner’s Tip
Beginners to yoga might find this a difficult pose to practice and should keep this beginner’s tip for Half Frog Pose in mind. Using a bolster while practicing this pose can help a beginner to get the flexibility and strength that is needed to perform this pose. The bolster should be placed under the beginner’s lower ribs as this will help him/her to lift the upper body better. The beginner’s free arm should be pressed onto the floor in front of this prop.
Modifications & Variations
Full Frog Pose (Intermediate level): Perform the Half Frog Pose as usual but bend both your knees and touch both your feet to the corresponding buttocks. Press both the feet down towards the floor trying to touch it there. This pose opens up the hips.
Benefits Of The Ardha Bhekasana
- This pose is beneficial for the back as it strengthens the muscles of the back. It helps to improve posture as well.
- This pose stretches the hips and the quadriceps.
- It is a very good pose for rejuvenating the knee joints as the muscles and quadriceps are stretched in this pose.
- It improves digestion by stimulating the abdominal organs.
- This pose stretches the entire front and back of the body and strengthens the joints and muscles throughout the body.
- It stretches the throat, chest and abdomen, groin, thighs and ankles.
- It is of particular benefit for those who suffer from either fallen arches or flat feet as the pose can stretch and strengthen these problem areas.
- The Half Frog pose is an energizing pose and helps to open the chest and heart. This in turn leads to an increase in blood flow and fuller breaths.
- It also increases the flow of blood to the uterus and the ovaries.
Preparatory Poses
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Supta Virasana
Follow-Up Poses
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Garudasana (arms only)
When practiced, this pose resembles a frog, hence the name given to this yoga pose. The Half Frog Pose is an intermediate level pose and can be changed to suit the level of the person practicing it.
For Better Understanding Watch this Video
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