Here’s The Reason Why Do Some Roads Have White Markings While Others Have Yellow Ones
With the increasing number of road accidents every day, Road safety has become a major public concern in India. According to reports, one road accident takes place in every four minutes in India. Almost 97% of the road accidents are caused by rash or negligent driving.
The thorough knowledge of traffic rules and regulations, traffic signs and markings are essential for the drivers and road users. The proper knowledge of these rules can reduce the number of accidents.
In India, a lot of us never bother to care about the traffic rules because who gives a damn about road safety. For most of us, traffic rules begin and end at memorizing what those red, yellow and green lights are for. Road safety is a major concern in India. So let’s just try and keep ourselves informed about the little things that might make our drive safe and smooth.
While driving, we all have noticed those white and yellow lines on road.WHITE LINES painted on the pavement indicate traffic travelling in your direction, while YELLOW LINES mark the centre of a two-way road used for two-way traffic.
Sometimes they are solid lines and sometimes they are broken. Did you know that these lines are also a part of road signs? Here’s what these lines mean –
Broken white Line:

Broken white lines indicate that you are allowed to change lane, but with caution. So you may change lane if it is safe to do so.
Double Broken White Lines:

These parallel broken white lines are called GIVE WAY LINE and it meant that you have to give way to oncoming traffic on a major road ahead of you. This type of continuous parallel two white lines means that driver is not permitted to overtaking.
Solid white Line:

The solid white line requires you to stay in the lane and also marks the shoulder of the roadway. It indicates that you must not change lanes.
Single Solid Yellow Line:

When a solid yellow line is on your side, you may pass if the movement can be made safely. That is, passing or overtaking other vehicles is allowed, but you cannot cross the yellow line. However, this rule may vary from state to state. For example, in Telangana, a solid yellow line is intended for establishing no overtaking.
Double Solid Yellow Lines:
Two solid yellow lines mean no passing. Hence, passing is not allowed over double solid yellow line.
Single Broken Yellow Line:

You may pass on a two-way road if the yellow centerline is broken, but with caution.
Solid yellow line with broken yellow line:

When a solid and a broken yellow line are together, you must not overtake if you are driving next to the solid line, and if you are driving on the side of the broken line, you âre allowed to overtake.
Have a happy & safe journey!