How to make your own wedding invitations
How to make your own wedding invitations
How to… get guests to RSVP
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If your friends and family haven’t already decided to come to your wedding, extra-personal invitations are a great way to propose to your guests!
Don’t let inviting guests to your wedding stress you out. If you spend some extra time creating and planning how to invite them, your friends and family will be excited to see what the wedding itself has to offer! Not only is adding your own touch a special gesture, it might even be cheaper.
Step 1: Pick something unique
The first part in creating a great wedding invitation is choosing the format of the invitation. Break free from tradition when you are thinking of ideas. Don’t create and send an invitation to your friends and family that they will look at once and disregard. Catch their attention and blow them away with something extraordinary like these balloon invitations.
Step 2: Keep with the theme
If possible, have your wedding location, color scheme or reception theme in mind so that you can create your invites to match. For example, if you know you are getting married in Hawaii, consider making something like these passport invitations or these awesome message in a bottle invitations. If you are having a summer wedding, make something that fits the weather, like invitations with all of the information glued to a Popsicle stick!
Step 3: Hunt and gather
Save yourself money on expensive stationery and overpriced inserts by raiding your cabinets at home. Search for paper cutters, scissors, glue and ribbon that you bought for your kids to use on their school projects. This will help you save money on supplies. For the things you can’t find at home, don’t be afraid to use printable templates online.
Step 4: Insert personality
Incorporate you and your man’s personalities. Make your invites pop by inserting silly pictures or funny quotes that showcase your loving relationship. If your guest opens your invite and a hilarious picture of you and your loved one falls out, they will be enticed to come and see what crazy fun the wedding will bring.
Step 5: Make the invites their own event
Preparing and sending these invitations should be a bonding experience. Don’t let the invitation portion of the wedding become a chore. Buy a nice bottle of wine and sit down with your future -hubby
while you tell stories about the different people who you’re inviting. This will be a nice bit of comic relief before the more intense parts of wedding planning.