15 Photos Of Mothers That Will Make You Want To Hug Yours
1. This mother, getting her daughter ready for a brighter future.
2. And this amma, leading her daughter toward success.
3. This mother, who’s not only prepping for an exam but also setting an example for her lil’ one.
4. This ammi, holding her son’s hand through a lesson in tolerance.
5. This mom, daring her kid to imagine what love can be.
6. These women who are taking a break from breadwinning to gup-shup with their best friends.
7. This mother, teaching civic duty as early as possible.
8. And this ma, who knows playtime can be found anywhere.
9. This mom, teaching her babies that love has no geographical borders.
10. These mummas, carrying their babies to life and through life.
11. This ma, who is clearly her kids’ favourite person.
12. This mumma who will wade through any compromise to keep her baccha warm.
13. This ma, holding on to her most prized possession.
14. This mum who’s gotta go to work but is taking play with her.
15. And this mom, sticking by her kid’s side, like moms do.
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