
How To Do Mountain Pose And What Are Its Benefits : Tadasana

Tadasana or the yoga Mountain Pose is the most basic of all yoga poses for beginners. This is usually the first pose taught in yoga classes and fitness studios. The alignment, muscle movements, and mindset you learn in Tadasana are applied every time you do a standing yoga pose. So, it’s important to learn how to do it correctly. Once you understand the proper form of Mountain Pose, it will be easier to gain and maintain the alignment for all other standing poses and inversions.

What You Should Know Before You Do The Asana

This asana must be performed on an empty stomach. You must have your meals at least four to six hours before you practice yoga. You must also make sure that your bowels are empty. Due to the balancing nature of the posture, do not practice Mountain Pose if you are currently experiencing headaches, insomnia, low blood pressure, or if you are lightheaded and/or dizzy.


How To Do The Tadasana : Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Stand erect, and place your legs slightly apart, with your hands hanging alongside your body.
  1. You must make your thigh muscles firm. Lift your kneecaps while ensuring you do not harden the lower part of your belly.
  1. Strengthen the inner arches of your inner ankles as you lift them.
  1. Now, imagine a stream of white light (energy) passing through your ankles, up to your inner thighs, groin, spine, neck, all the way up to your head. Gently turn your upper thighs inward. Elongate the tailbone such that it is towards the floor. Lift the pubis such that it is closer to the navel.
  1. Look slightly upward.
  1. Now breathe in and stretch your shoulders, arms, and chest upwards. Raise your heels, making sure your body weight is on your toes.
  1. Feel the stretch in your body right from your feet to your head. Hold the pose for a few seconds. Then, exhale and release.


Here are a couple of tips to help you stand up straight:

  • Work the pose from the ground up. Notice and align your feet, heels, arches, and toes. Then, bring your awareness to your ankles. Continue upward to your shins, calves, and thighs. Find alignment in your tailbone, pelvis, and belly; and then in your collarbones, shoulder blades, arms, and neck. Finally, extend the pose through the crown of your head.
  • To find your center of balance, slightly lean your whole body forward, then backward; then to the left, and then to the right. Realign yourself so that your ears, shoulders, hips, and heels are in a straight line with your weight even across both feet.
  • To find the neutral balance of your pelvis, imagine your pelvis is a bowl filled with water. Tip your front hip bones forward (your butt will stick out) and the water will spill over your front thighs. Tuck your tailbone and round your low back and the water will spill over your back thighs. Practice tipping and tucking a few times to find the neutral balance of your pelvis — where the “water” will remain steady and not spill.
  • Check and correct your alignment every time you come into the pose throughout class.
  • To learn the lift and inner rotation of the thighs, place a block between your thighs, above the knees. Squeeze the block and roll it slightly backward, engaging and rotating your thighs.

Beginner’s Tip

You can improve your balance in this pose by standing with your inner feet slightly apart, anywhere from 3 to 5 inches.

Modifications & Variations

Try these simple changes to learn the pose correctly:

  • If it’s difficult to balance with your feet together, stand with your feet hip-distance apart. Gradually step your feet closer together as you gain balance in the pose.
  • Women who are pregnant should widen their stances as much as necessary to feel stable.
  • Beginners can practice the pose backed up against a wall. There will be a slight curve in your lower back, but your heels, buttocks, and shoulders should gently touch the wall. Keep your head away from the wall, keeping your ears in line with your shoulders.
  • For a greater challenge, close your eyes in the pose.
  • Your arms and hands can be placed in a variety of positions. To learn the correct alignment, keep the palms facing inward. To open the chest and shoulders more, turn your palms forward. To calm your mind and find center and balance, place your palms together in prayer position at your chest (this is called Anjali Mudra).

Benefits Of The Tadasana

  • This asana helps improve body posture.
  • With regular practice of this asana, your knees, thighs, and ankles become stronger.
  • Your buttocks and abdomen get toned.
  • Practicing this asana helps alleviate sciatica.
  • This asana reduces flat feet.
  • It also makes your spine more agile.
  • It is an excellent asana for those who want to increase their height in their formative years.
  • It also helps improve balance.
  • Your digestive, nervous, and respiratory systems are regulated.

Preparatory Poses

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Follow-Up Poses

Standing Poses

You can practice Mountain Pose many times throughout your normal day: While brushing your teeth, standing in line, or riding the elevator. You can even practice it while walking, running, or doing the dishes! Once you have a hang of the correct alignment, you may find yourself standing and sitting straighter throughout your day with reduced back pain and a calm, clear mind.

For Better Understanding Watch this Video

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