Sachin Tendulkar is widely acknowledged as one of the greatest batsmen of all time. The Master Blaster is considered one of the complete batsmen ever. He has all the shots in the book. He is the most admired cricketer in the world. Every Indian should be proud of him
But what are the Best Things That I learned from Sachin Tendulkar are these Ten Sachin Tendulkar Quotes
Sachin started at the age of 14, that is as per the records. But I am sure that in his own frame of mind, he had possibly started much earlier than he knew. And even though we say that he has now retired, we still keep seeing a lot of him in cricket shows or matches. I guess the dream never dies, does it?
– It always comes to this doesn’t it? Hard work commitment, perseverance and what not. Achievement is a nice word to see on paper, but the work that goes behind it is remarkable indeed! And like he says, all of it is the background, no one is going to care for those, but you ought to!

What defines a winner? Someone who never loses or someone who hates to lose? None of us ever like to lose do we? When India lost the world cup, the fans stormed to the houses of the cricketers. That is how much the loss hurt them. Imagine how much it would have hurt the players in the zone. But that doesn’t define any sportsman, it is the gut to go out there and outdo their achievements which makes a great difference in the sportsman spirit.

No one is free from them. I remember the time when someone coined him with the term “Endulkar” and they said that his era was done and he was not going to play anymore. Or the South Africa series where he struggled. But I am sure they taught very little about how to play the shot right? They are mere distractions, they are never going to help us get there. Sometimes we just need to turn a deaf ear!

Sachin cannot play the helicopter shot. Sachin cannot hit sixes like Gayle. Sachin cannot play a long standing innings like Dravid or Sachin cannot be a captain like Dhoni. But no one can be as good as Sachin in what he does. The god of cricket as he is named has set him apart in all comparisons. He plays for his own satisfaction and the finesse of a shot cos that is how much he loves the game. Everything else is just another incident and all these comparisons are for the so called fanatics who really miss out on the big picture.

We all have our heroes don’t we? We like Sachin for what he has achieved in life and what little we know of him. But we do realize that there is so much more which goes into the making of a personality. And to know even a simple aspect of them like this is fascinating indeed. It is not the great things we do on great occasions which matter the most, it is the little things which influence us that makes a great difference.

Isn’t this true? People can be great at their job or passion while being complete jerks in real life. We have seen the so called heroes who mistreat their fans and some who even abuse them. But something all of us should realize is that there is a greater goal beyond these smaller things in life which we call achievement. It is the goal of humanity

Most people would have asked him about his captaincy, about winning games for India and what not. Sometimes I think it makes perfect sense just to define our roles and live up to them. Sachin knows that he is a great batsman and being that makes great to him. And it makes perfect sense to leave out every other opportunity, even if it is one when we know what is more important to us. Sometimes it is not just about grabbing every opportunity that comes our way. It is also about saying NO to a few of them and knowing our priorities right.

People will talk smack about you. Especially when you reach the level of these greats. They will make fun of you and they will expect mountains out of you. Just cos they do, it doesn’t mean that you have to stand and deliver each one of these requests. You got to know that your priorities matter a little more than the ones of the others around you. And if you start responding to every small criticism and mockery at you, you will just end up doing that instead of doing what you actually want to.
That sums it up doesn’t it? A simple dream to play for the nation, nothing too elaborate, no fancy cars nothing in that dream. A simple dream to play for the country and everything else that came along the way just came along the way. It was not the priority, it was not the dream itself. It was an incentive, a damn good one though, but it was just that – the real dream was the one that took him so far. No wonder he is a hero to this day and for years to come