Dreams Interpretation

Sea- Dreams Interpretation

Sea is the symbol of calmness, peace, spirituality and emotional balance. The moving sea waves know a lot about your inner feelings.
Let’s find out what they mean in your dreams:

The sea mainly symbolizes your calm mind, fluctuating emotions and internal strength. Dreams related to sea give you deeper analysis of your life’s situations. Calm sea water in dream denotes your spiritual behavior and suggests you to stay calm in whatever situation you are in.
Turbulent stormy sea waves depict your inability to control the situation. The uncontrolled sea waves also denote your confused state of mind and your emotional disturbances. You need to calm down first so that you are able to calm down the situation. Until you find self-control on your emotions, the outside situations will be difficult to handle.
To watch the sea from distance in a dream states that you are thinking about an intimate relation. You may seek your partner’s support for sexual pleasure. Floating on the sea indicates that you are in a peaceful situation and will enjoy these moments for now. Swimming or floating in sea is considered to be a good omen. It is also a sign of good fortune.

Most Common Sea Dreams:
• To Drown in Sea: To dream about drowning in sea indicates bad news. It could either mean losses in business or losses in personal life. One of the best things to do in order to avoid this situation is to lighten up a few candles before you go to bed. The negativity and darkness will go away from your life with the help of glowing candles.
• To see Clear and Calm Sea: To dream about crystal clear blue water of the sea indicates joy and happiness. It means you have attained perfection in balancing your emotions and challenging situations. This dream also promises you a quiet and peaceful life.
• To Fall into the Sea Water: A dream in which you fall into the sea water indicates injury or mishap. Be careful, especially when you get close to the water. This could be your sixth sense, which is warning you from the disaster to happen.

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