Spongebob- Dreams Interpretation
Spongebob is a cute cartoon character and most of the kids know about him. He is nothing but a cute square shaped sponge named Bob. Kids are madly in love with this character not only because he is cute, but also because he always gets into naughty troubles!
Dreaming of Spongebob may mean a lot of things. You’ve got to pay a closer attention to what this beautiful animated character does in your dream. Does he dance? Is he joyful? Is he angry or upset? Is he sad or overly excited for something? Is he scared or trying to attract some sort of a trouble towards him and his best friend, the starfish?
If you dream of Spongebob, try reading about his nature in the cartoon series. I am sure you are somehow related to the kind of character he is. Are you kind to others? Are you polite with others? Are you totally in love with your crazy best friend? Do you support your friends no matter what they do?
If you dream of Spongebob, you are surely a very kind hearted person in your waking life and the Divine Spirit loves you for being good.
Spongebob represents power, troubles, strength to cope up with problems, friendship, power to absorb or adapt to all the things in the surroundings and decision making ability.
No matter how difficult it seems to get rid of the problem, Spongebob knows how to take the decision on his very own. Therefore, if you dream of him, it means that even though you are going through a tough time in your waking life, you are going to take the best decision in the end.
You surely adapt to everything in the surroundings, if you dream of Spongebob absorbing water.
Most Common Spongebob Dreams:
• Happy Spongebob – Happy and joyous Spongebob means that you are a very joyful person in your waking life.
• Dancing Spongebob – It is time to celebrate for your success, if you see such a dream. You are going to cherish some of your hard efforts.
• Scared Spongebob – You are attracting troubles towards yourself if you dream of scared Spongebob.