Face- Dreams Interpretation
There’s absolutely no one around the globe without a face! Every individual has a different face and that is probably the first thing that you notice about anyone who comes to talk to you or even passes you by on the street.
However, when it comes to dreaming of a face, there’s much more to it than just appearance. Sometimes, professional face readers read the entire personality and character of an individual by a mere look of his face. If you dream of a face, you must try to remember the expressions of the person.
Dreaming of a face indicates your perception about the individual, in your waking life. If you see an individual’s face, it means that you give preference to the external beauty the most, rather than seeing what lies inside of that person.
Dreaming of face also indicates that person’s attitude and behavior towards you. If he smiles at you, he is someone who wishes to create and maintain the friendship or affection with you; on the other hand, if he grumbles or looks at you, angrily, there are chances that he is mad at you over something, in your waking life.
Face represents beauty, elegance, expressions, emotions and personality of the individual.
Dreaming of a face indicates your desire for beauty. If you see at yourself in the mirror and the reflection seems prettier than how you look at present in your waking life, you are improving.
If you are an obese person and you dream of seeing your slimmer and prettier face, you are going to lose weight. It may also be a sign from your conscience to improve, work hard and lose all the weight that you should.
If you dream of a cunning face, it indicates what that person thinks about you. He may sound sweet in real, but he has cruel intentions against you.
Most Common Face Dreams:
• Happy face – Dreaming of a happy face indicates happiness and harmony in your waking life.
• Sad face – If someone has a sad face in your dream, he needs your help and support in your waking life.
• Unknown face – If you dream of an unknown face, it depicts fears.